Synagogue of Satan

Introduction - part one

In Six Parts


This may be a hard read for some. Not that the language is difficult to understand, but that it is so other than the narrative you may have heard. I know there was a time in my own life, when this would have been nearly impossible for me to accept. The sources used herein come from either the God-breathed New Testament writings, the writings of Judaism itself, or from those who have studied both.

Some might automatically judge this as an antisemitic hit-piece. Apart from the fact that the term antisemtism has been hi-jacked for political ends, I can say with all honesty, I have never held an anti-jewish view in my life. In fact, quite the opposite. I spent years in the Messianic Judaism movement, in different congregations of different states, serving as an associate pastor in two. If you know anything about the Messianic Judaism movement, then you know that the Jewish people are held in the highest regard, even a reverence.

I have been a follower of Jesus since 1977, and from the very beginning, I held the Jewish people in high regard. Over time, I learned that the Jewish people are victims of an ideology, that holds them captive through fear and intimidation. This writing is an unveiling of this ideology, which is grounded in ancient Pharisaism. We will see that modern Rabbinic Judaism, i.e., today's Synagogue, is nothing more than a direct descendant of the Pharisees of Jesus' day.

We will see that Jesus Himself was the first to use the term, Synagogue of Satan (SoS). If you wish to call Him antisemitic, then you need to rethink your understanding of what it means. Jesus' definition of the SoS was "those who call themselves Jews, but are not." We will look at who comprises this synagogue, what holy book guides them, what god they worship, and what their ultimate agenda is. We will also look at what the Bible says should be the attitude of the Christian toward them.

I would encourage you to leave any prejudicial feelings at the door, and look at the evidence presented. It is past time for the Ekklesia of Christ to understand what Jesus meant when He warned the disciples, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees."[Mt. 16:6; Mk. 8:15] Leaven is not in itself an evil thing. Jesus compared the growth of the Kingdom of God to leaven [Matt. 13:33; Lk. 13:21]. Leaven can be any permeating influence, which eventually will spread throughout the whole. As the Apostle Paul stated, "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump."[Gal. 5:9] By introducing a little of the Pharisaic leaven to the Body of Christ, it would eventually permeate the whole of it. The SoS understands this all too well. The only remedy is to do as Paul instructs the Corinthians, "Purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened."[1 Cor. 5:7] As followers of Jesus Christ, we are not to be under the influence of the leaven of the Pharisees.

I encourage you to purge the leaven of the Pharisees from your mind and heart, while God reveals His Truth to you, as you prayerfully read. Thank you.

NOTICE: Some of the content contained herein, is of a mature theme. This is due to the content contain within some of the Talmudic writings and practices. This was necessary to reveal the depths of depravity it contains.