Studies by Larry M. Wishon
Last Things - The New Testament uses several different eschatological time frame references, such as the the end of the age and the last days. However, there is one that fails to get the attention that the previously mentioned does. This is the time frame of The Last Day. The phrase, the Last Day, is only mentioned in the Gospel of John, and with one exception, only found on the lips of Jesus. This Last Day is specifically related to the final Resurrection and the final Judgment. How do we know this? Because this is what Jesus says concerning it. -- Read Now --
The Idolatry of the Shekinah - Many present day preachers and teachers refer to the Glory of God with the word, Shekinah. They erroneously believe that they are using an ancient Hebraic word to refer to God's manifest glory. Nothing could be further from the truth. In this study, we will see that this is the name of the Talmudic Jews goddess. They worship this goddess as a means of their Kabbalistic worship of their false god, the Eyn Sof. After you hear the truth of this goddess worship, you will never want this idolatrous pagan name to cross your lips. -- Read Now --
The Days of Noah - Jesus compares the coming of the Son of man to be like the days of Noah. Fortunately for us, Jesus doesn’t leave us in the dark or guessing what He meant. He explains it very clearly. -- Read Now --
The Olivet Questions - Jesus' pronouncement of the destruction of the temple while on His way to the Mount of Olives, sparked some very pointed questions by His disciples. One of the challenges for us when reading these questions, is to read them without superimposing our own eschatology upon them. When the disciples asked those questions, they inquired into the subject with their own eschatology in mind, not ours.-- Read Now --
Luke 24:21 - A Corrected Translation - It is amazing how our Biblical perspective can hinge on the translation of one verse. Even beyond just one verse, it can turn on how just one word is translated, or in this case, mistranslated. Luke 24:21 is one of those verses. This verse is fairly accurately translated except for one word. This one word changes the meaning and focus of the whole verse, and significantly impacts the whole third day chronology.-- Read Now --
The Marring of the Servant of the Lord (Isaiah 52:14, in 2 parts) - There is an aspect to the humility of Christ, that has not received much attention. That aspect is the humility He endured going from His eternal place of glory with the Father, to His place among men, as one among them. I do believe that Isaiah 52:14 deals with subject. However, the translation of this verse has undergone significant changes over the past centuries. A change that has hidden its true meaning. We seek here to recover that original meaning.-- Read Now --
The Antichrist Is Here - The figure of the Antichrist has evolved into the world's Boogey-man. Almost every generation is convinced that they can point to a man in their own time, who "fits the bill" of the Antichrist. They have made numerous movies and written books galore about this figure. In fact, the movies and books have probably influenced the world's idea of this figure, more than the Bible. Many modern historical figures have been tagged with this name, and yet none have stepped into the role. Even the Apostle John said that in his own day, there were many antichrists. In fact, it is only the Apostle John who speaks of antichrist. No other Biblical writer mentions it. So what does John say about antichrist? -- Read Now --
The Day of the Lord(in 2 parts) - Many Christians are of the opinion that there is one Day of the Lord, which happens at the end of the world. However, when honest inquiry is made, we will see there are many days, referred to as the day of the Lord. There are at least 13 mentioned, although the phrase occurs 18 times in all of Scripture. The most often mentioned day of the Lord, is the one against Israel. The last day of the Lord to occur, was in AD 70, when Jerusalem and its temple was destroyed. It is this day of the Lord that Jesus and His Apostles warned many of. .-- Read Now --
The Prophet's Tongue - The Hebrew prophets had developed their own language. When we read the words of Jesus and the Apostles, about the sun going dark, the moon not shining or turning to blood, the stars falling, and the heavens shaking, they are speaking in this prophetic language. If we read these as real cosmic events, we are missing the importance of their words. They are speaking to us in the Prophets' Tongue and Language. What is this language and how do we understand it? -- Read Now --
The Most Enbarrassing Verse in the Bible(in 4 parts) - If you could choose from the over 31,000 Bible verses, which one would you choose as the most embarrassing? The great Christian writer, CS Lewis made his choice. He chose Matt. 24:34, which says, "This generation shall not pass away, until all these things have come to pass." So why is this verse so embarrassing? Because he believed one of the things included, that was to come to pass, was the Second Coming. At least, that is how he and many others have wrongly understood it.-- Read Now --
The End of the World and The Last Days (in 4 parts) - Does the Bible describe the end of the world? That depends on how you interpret the word, world. There are three different Greek words in the NT, that are translated as world. The problem is all three mean different things. So this requires a bit of digging to answer. What does the Bible say about the Last Days? When is the Last Days? That depends on what last days we are speaking of. The Last Days of what? The world, time, human history, Israel, America? What Last Days does the Bible describe? -- Read Now --
The Time Is At Hand - John was told not to seal the sayings of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation. Why? Because the "time is at hand." This phrase, at hand, has a very specific meaning in its use in Scripture. It means something or someone is near, close in either space or time, in the view of the speaker. However, there are some who push this nearness thousands of years into the future. Their eschatology demands it. They need this word for near, to mean not as close as you might think, or they turn it into meaning imminent, which it does not mean.-- Read Now --
Jesus, The Right Hand of God - Many imagine Jesus sitting on a throne, just to the right of the Father's throne. This is about as far as their idea of this can take them. The reality of the depth of this image goes far beyond any idea of spatial relationship. Jesus, at the right hand of God, goes to the very core of the Doctrine of Christ. He doesn't just sit at the right hand of God, HE IS THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD. -- Read Now --
When Jesus Was Made Sin - Paul's statement in 2 Corinthians 5:21, "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin," has been the cause of grave misunderstanding. Some have taken this to mean that Jesus was made all manner of vile, destestable sin while He hung upon the cross. They have advocated that Jesus became, "gossip, child pornography, a Satan-worshipper, and a hater of God," while on the cross. Is this what Paul intended to convey. I think not. So, what did he mean by saying this? Isaiah chapter 53, holds the answer for us. -- Read Now --
When Jesus Became Poor(in 2 Parts) - Second Corinthians 8:9, has been 'put on the rack' and tortured beyond recognition by the Health and Wealth Marketeers. They have placed a meaning upon it that Paul never intended. They didn't stop there, either. They attacked its closely related passage, found in Phil. 2:5-8, and tortured it as well. This study will endeavor to rescue both of these passage, as well as its OT parallel, i.e., Isa. 52:14. These false teachers torture and pervert the true beauty expressed in these passages. -- Read Now --
Evidential Proofs and Witnesses of the Deity of Jesus Christ in the Pre-Trinitarian Era(Mini-Mag, 79 pages) -
The deity of Jesus the Christ is at the very foundation of the Biblical Faith. If you take this away, the True Faith, delivered once for all to the saints, is nothing but another man-made religion. This is why all cults and false religions attack this doctrine more than any other. Cults will seek to deny the deity of Jesus Christ in one of two ways. They will either teach He was nothing more than a mere man, with a special anointing, or the “Christ” spirit upon Him, or they will allow Him some measure or degree of “god-ness,” and denigrate His humanity (Gnosticism). They will do any mixture of these two.
One of the tricks these cults use to prey upon the unwary, is to re-define words, giving them their own cultic meaning. In this cultic teaching, the words Lord, Jesus, and Christ, are re-defined far outside the bounds of historical Biblical understanding. This allows them to confess a belief in “the Lord Jesus Christ.”
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Christ Our Passover, Was the Last Supper a Passover Meal? - It is a truth established from the beginning of the gospel, that Christ is called the lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world. Was Christ crucified at the time of the killing of the Passover? Would it shock you if the answer was, no? Was the Last Supper He ate with His disciples, a Passover meal or something else? The overwhelming evidence points to the fact that it was indeed, a Passover meal. These are important questions, which will be addressed in greater detail inside.-- Read Now --
A True Gospel Chronology From The Crucifixion To The Resurrection(Mini-Mag, 53 pages) - Contained herein, is a digest of information taken from my newly updated book, The Only Sign Given.
There are at least nine(9) events recorded by the gospel writers, each with its own specific timestamp, that transpires from the crucifixion to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. When we take each of these events, leaving them in their stated timeframe, we come away with a most accurate chronology of the Passion event. This chronology spans the course of four days, the Fourteenth of Abib to the Seventeenth of Abib. This is no coincedence. It is by divine design. -- Read Now --
Sign of the Prophet, Jonah - The scribes and Pharisees demanded a sign from Jesus that He was truly the Messiah of God. He reprimanded them as "an evil and alduterous generation," for seeking a sign instead of believing the written prophecies. He told them no sign would be given them except for the Sign of the Prophet, Jonah. This sign of Jonah has several components to it. Jesus compares His experience to that of Jonah's. Although the time element of three days and three nights was an important part of this prophecy, there were other aspects of importance too. -- Read Now --
The Story of Three Criminals - When the scene of the crucifixion is viewed, the main attention goes to Jesus, and rightfully so. However, there is another interesting and worthy story to be told. It is the story of the other two criminals who were crucified with Christ that day. Did you know the Gospel of Mark gives us their back story? On that day, three insurrectionists were scheduled to be crucified. However, one of them, Barabbas, was set free. The other two were not so fortunate. How these two responded to the crucified substitute in their midst determined their destiny. It is one of the simplest and purest Gospel stories to be told. -- Read Now --
Israel as the Fig Tree - One of the necessary aspects for Premillennial Dispensationalism to work, is for the prophecy of Jesus spoken on the Mount of Olives, recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, to be understood as a far future event. One of the ways in which they make this far future application is to make what Jesus said about the fig tree sprouting its leaves, apply to a future reconstituted Israel. Therefore, the fig tree must be a representation of Israel. But is it?-- Read Now --
What Paul Learned In Athens - The Apostle Paul is considered by many to be somewhat of a Super-Apostle. He seemed to have understanding of mysteries that left other apostles scratching their heads [2 Peter 3:16]. However, this does him a great injustice. Paul faced his share of trials, persecutions and failures. What? Failures? Yes, at least one. When Paul came to Athens, it had a very deep and long-lasting lesson to teach him. One that would affect the remainder of his ministry and the Church for all time. What was this failure? Well, he failed to . . .-- Read Now --
A Change In Administration of the Ekklesia (in 6 parts) - Jesus taught His apostles the difference between the models of leadership. He warned them against the model practiced by the nations, but exemplified the model they were to practice. The model of the nations was illustrated by two characteristics, that of a hierarchy of rulers, and a lording it over those under them. This is also known as the clergy vs laity model. The model Jesus illustrated for them, was one of service and humility. However, in time, the model of the nations became the standard for the institution of the Church.
Section Titles
- Section One - Introduction
- Section Two - Elder, Bishop, and Pastor = One Man
- Section Three - Rulers or Leaders?
- Section Four - The Spirit of the Taskmaster
- Section Five - God deals in stone, not bricks
- Section Six - Living Stones: A Spiritual House
Kingdom Finances - We have all heard the saying, “Money makes the world go ‘round”. Actually, Angular Momentum makes the world go round. How did the First Century Church deal with the issue of money and what was their attitude toward the giving and receiving of it? We know what has become the attitude of today’s Church. Many in leadership positions love it. If you have piles of it, you are a blessed and righteous person. Hardly a Sunday will pass without hearing at least some reference to how you ought to be giving more than you are. Is this the message of the NT?-- Read Now --
Kingdom Taken Away(in 3 parts) - Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. This verse is the judgment Jesus pronounced upon the chief priests and Pharisees at the conclusion of His parable of the Wicked Husbandmen [Matt. 21:33-46]. The chief priests and elders, as teachers and leaders whom the people relied upon to lead them in the ways of God, had horribly failed in this calling. So much so, they were shutting them out from it.-- Read Now --
Synagogue of Satan(in 6 parts) - If you have ever read the book of Revelation, you’ve probably come across the phrase “the synagogue of Satan.” We have heard of the church of Satan, but we don’t hear much about the synagogue of Satan. Do not confuse the two. One overtly worships Satan, the other worships him covertly. The true Church of Jesus Christ would never knowingly give the church of Satan a place of influence. However, we have allowed the synagogue of Satan to have a rather prominent place. In some areas, it actually dictates parts of our theology. -- Read Now --
Coming of the Son of man, No Puzzle-chewing Required (in 3 parts) - The coming of the Son of man is thought by many as being equal to the Second Coming of Christ. However, when honest investigation is made, we will see that this cannot be the case for three reasons.-- Read Now --
Parousia, A Coming or Presence?(in 2 parts) - Parousia is a Greek word that has been a well kept secret from the majority of Christians. It is an important part of Christian Eschatology. It has been cloaked as the word, Coming. In the vast majority of Bible translations, parousia is translated as coming, when used in the eschatological context, even though that is not the true meaning of the word. The actual meaning of Parousia is Presence. So why is a word meaning presence translated as coming? That is a very good question, which we will presently explore.-- Read Now --
Fulfillment of Abrahamic Promises, Fulfilled in Natural Israel and In Christ(in 2 parts) - The primary argument that Dispensationalists use to advocate why modern Israel must possess all of the Palestinian land and more, is because they have never truly possessed all the land that God had promised. If you ask them what specific part of the land they have not possessed, they cannot give you an exact answer. At least, I was not able to find anyone who could state what land natural Israel had failed to possess. They just make the blanket statement that Israel hasn’t taken possession based upon their Scofield notes. -- Read Now --
The Determined Time, Fulfillment of Daniel's 70 Weeks(in 2 parts) - What if there existed a prophecy in the Old Testament, that foretold the exact period, even the year in which the long-awaited Messiah would make his appearance? Would that not be a prophecy of major importance? Would you not think that it would hold special interest for the people of Israel? Daniel chapter nine is such a prophecy. In this portion of the book of Daniel, he records for us an encounter he had with the angel Gabriel, who gives him a prophecy of Seventy sevens or heptads.-- Read Now --
Biblical Predestination, Not a heaven or hell issue - That the topic of Predestination is not a heaven or hell issue should be obvious from the Scriptures. It only speaks to the redeemed and to the position to which God has pre-determined for them. It is hoped that this will reveal the greatness and goodness of God toward His Covenant Children, instead of inciting fear and distortion of the truth.-- Read Now --
Did Jesus Go To Hell? - There is a teaching floating around certain circles, mostly among the charismatic/word of faith circles, that when Jesus died, he descended into the torments of hell, in order to complete our salvation. Some have even went so far as to say, that his death on the cross is not what gained salvation for man, but it was his torment in hell. Here is one quote by Kenneth Copeland, to the effect that it wasn't Jesus' death that brought salvation, but his torment in hell. He took this from Kenneth Hagin, who took it from E.W. Kenyon.-- Read Now --
Jesus, Our Covenant Man - As believers in Jesus, we understand that we are partakers of the New Covenant, which Jesus inaugurated with His own blood. But do we really understand how we came into this relationship. There is a common misconception, that God made this New Covenant with the Church, or with us as believers. If we look closely at what the Scriptures teach concerning this Covenant, it will be quite revealing, exactly who the Covenant is with. Throughout Biblical History, God has made many covenants with man. And all of these covenants were made with a man, which had its effect upon the whole of the people.-- Read Now --
Books by Larry M. Wishon
Not One Stone -
Details the vast amount of prophecy fulfilled by the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in AD 70.
Daniel's Seventy Weeks Prophecy speaks not only of the return of the captives from Babylon, to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple, but it also speaks of the complete destruction and desolation of the same. One of the main themes of Jesus' teaching was the judgment and destruction that would come upon Jerusalem and its crown jewel, the temple. The Apostles also continued this theme in their teachings and writings.
When the typical modern reader of the Bible comes across such language as, "stars falling from heaven, heaven and earth passing away, the sun and moon going dark, the elements melting, the heavens being shaken," they naturally think of this material universe coming to an end.
However, many are surprised to learn that this Apocalyptic Language is used by Jesus and His Apostles, not to describe the end of the world as we know it, but the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in AD 70. This type of language is not new with Jesus and His Apostles, but is borrowed from the language of the OT Hebrew Prophets.
Chapter Titles:
- Introduction
- Historical Awareness
- The Jewish War - Beginnings
- The Jewish War - Causes
- The Jewish War - The End
- People of the Coming Prince
- Desolations
- The Olivet Questions
- Parousia, A Coming or A Presence?
- Apostolic Use of Parousia
- The End of the World
- The Last Days
- The Most Embarrassing Verse
- The Coming of the Son of man, Part I
- The Coming of the Son of man, Part II
- The Sign of the Son of man
- As It Was In The Days of Noah
- The Jews Required a Sign - God Obliged
- The Day of the Lord
- The Prophet's Tongue Part I ~ Cosmic Chaos
- The Prophet's Tongue Part II ~ New Heaven and New Earth
- Behold, I make all things new
- Bonus Chapter: The Last Things
Inside Not One Stone, you will learn the following:
One of the areas of confusion for many is thinking that the Coming of the Son of man, and the Second Coming of Christ are the same. They are not! The main difference is the Coming of the Son of man is always spoken of as TIME RESTRICTIVE, i.e., it is always spoken of as occurring before the generation of the Apostles had expired. You will also come to understand how the Apostles' understood the idea of the Parousia. They did not restrict it to just mean the Second Coming. You will also gain understanding of how to read the Apocalyptic Language of the Prophets, which was used by Jesus and His Apostles when referring to the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple. There is a vast amount of prophecy which this event fulfills.
The topic of Jerusalem's destruction is a
major theme throughout the New Testament.
Available Now on Amazon
(6 x 9, 300 pages)
Creating the Israel of God -
traces how God transformed the Israel of Sinai, into the Israel of God.
This transformation took place via the fulfillment of Israel's promised New Covenant, enacted through the ministry of the Messenger of the Covenant, the Messiah. If you thought God’s ultimate plan was to have a group of racially select people walking the earth, being obedient to a set of laws carved in stone, you have massively misunderstood His heart and plan.
Questions Addressed Inside:
- Why did God promise Israel a New Covenant, and what is its purpose?
- Why do some Christians believe that the New Covenant has not yet been made with Israel?
- The Jews required a sign of Jesus. What sign did they receive? Hint: He gave them at least two.
- Has God given the Gentiles a different Covenant, or way of salvation than He gave the Jews?
- Will God re-constitute the Sinai Covenant with a temple and its sacrifices?
- If the New Covenant has been made with Israel, how did God create it?
- What was so different about the New Covenant? Why did it need to be so different?
- What was the ultimate purpose of God in the New Covenant?
- Why do some believe the Church has replaced Israel?
- What is the Israel of God, and who comprises it?
Inside Creating the Israel of God, we address all these questions and much more.
The New Covenant in Messiah is a quantum leap in God's ultimate plan for all of mankind. The Messiah, who is the Last Adam, through His death, burial, and resurrection, brings forth a New Humanity, comprised of a bouquet of redeemed peoples, united as one, called the Israel of God. Hence, the New Covenant in Messiah transforms the Israel of Sinai into the Israel of God. Replacement is impossible. It is only those who are transformed by the work of the Messiah Jesus, who are brought out of the Old, into the New.
There is no replacement, only transformation.
The Only Sign Given - Whenever someone points out that late Friday afternoon to early Sunday morning is not three days and three nights, they are given in parrot-like fashion, that age-old excuse, "The Jews counted a part of a day, as the whole day."
After reading the body of evidence in The Only Sign Given, that lame and tired excuse, which is based upon the traditions of the Pharisees, will no longer hold true.
- Proof that during every Passover week, there were always two days counted as a sabbath. This fact is huge in the chronology of Jesus' Passion.
- One verse in the Gospel of Mark tells us exactly when Jesus resurrected, and it was not Sunday morning.
- Following the movements of the women who followed Jesus gives us details of the three days and three nights that traditionally have been ignored.
- SMOKING GUN EVIDENCE from an Ante-Nicean Church document, demonstrating that the Church of the first three centuries, did not accept a Thursday night Last Supper.
- Many other gems mined from the fertile field of the New Testament that validate the prophetic words of Jesus, concerning His three days and nights "in the heart of the earth."
It is time we stopped putting empty tradition above the words of the Lord Jesus Himself. It is time we stopped making Him out to be a liar. There are more than enough people who are trying to do that, without help from those who profess to believe in Him. The Only Sign Given is a step in the right direction.
The Determined Time, An Exposition of the Christ-centered Seventy Weeks of Daniel -
The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel gives a view of what was to transpire from the time when the Jews were granted permission by Cyrus, king of Persia, to return to the land of their fathers, and rebuild Jerusalem and its temple. This return and rebuilding was in preparation for the one thing that they had been waiting for, the Messiah, the Messenger of the covenant, whom they delighted in [Mal. 3:1].
Most of the prophecy’s subject is taken up with the ministry of the Messiah Prince. As is noted inside, He is mentioned at least six times in the course of the prophecy. He would come to address the six objectives listed in the prophecy, concerning the people and the city. All six of these objectives are related to the Messiah's fulfillment of God's promises to their fathers [Rom. 15:8].
The end result of this 490 years marked out of Israel’s history, was shutting down the Old Sinai Covenant, and the instituting of Israel's promised New Covenant, in Messiah’s blood. This period led Israel out of their antiquated Sinai Covenant, and into their promised New Covenant [Jer. 31:31-33]. It was to be faith in the coming Messiah Prince, which would lead them out of the Old, and into the New.
Inside The Determined Time, you will find that,
- Only Cyrus, the king of Persia, could have given the word for the Judean captives to return and rebuild Jerusalem. In the record of Scriptures, only Cyrus and Darius are credited with issuing decrees to rebuild Jerusalem and its temple. The decree of Darius, is nothing more than a confirmation of Cyrus' original decree.
- The long accepted dates for Cyrus' decree are off by 80 years.
- The Seventy Weeks are divided into three consecutive time periods (7+62+1). There are no gaps of time between any of them.
- The Prophecy identifies who is the Messiah Prince. The identity of this Prince does not change throughout the prophecy.
- It is this one and the same Coming Messiah Prince,
- who is cut off,
- who is the cause for the sacrifice and oblation to cease in the midst of the Seventieth Week,
- whose people destroys the city and temple,
- who confirms a covenant for a period of one week of years. It is the act of confirming that lasts for seven years, not the covenant itself, i.e., it is not a seven year covenant or agreement made with Israel.
- who due to the overspreading of abominations, will make the city and temple desolate.
- There is an obvious absence of the mention of an antichrist and a seven year tribulation period. Both of these are the result of Dispensational Eisegesis, i.e., reading into the text what is not there.
Did Jesus Descend Into Hell?
Well, Yes and No
Where Jesus went and what He did, in the three days and nights between His death on the cross and His resurrection, should not be a matter of curiosity, but a matter of Biblical integrity.
We have been left with some fanciful ideas, and some just plainly grotesque. Does the Bible give us a clear picture of what happened to Jesus between His death and resurrection? We have surprisingly more than we know about where He went, but are left with some questions with regard to what He did.
Did Jesus descend into Hell after He died on the cross? Well, that depends on what you mean by the word, Hell. Inside Did Jesus Descend into Hell? Well, Yes and No, we look at all the different possibilities set forth in the Bible. Other things we delve into are the following:
- There are four different words used in the Bible, translated as Hell. We discover which one is applied to Jesus, and which ones are not.
- Discover what is meant by the prophecy of Isaiah, when he said that God would, “see the travail of his soul and be satisfied.”
- Also, a fresh look at Isaiah 52:14, concerning the “marring” of the Servant of the Lord. The translation of this verse has changed drastically over the centuries.
- Investigate the claims of the Word of Faith teachers, who teach Jesus had to descend into the flaming torment of hell, and be abused by Satan and his hordes, in order to complete God’s redemptive plan to save man.
- We also take a fresh look at what Peter says concerning Jesus’ going down and preaching to the spirits in prison. Hint: Jesus did not evangelize but made an announcement. What did He announce?
- Paul states before Christ ascended up on high, He first descended, then He led captivity captive. Who were these captives that He set free? We look at the only Biblical possibility.
New Testament Giving & Receiving
This study covers,
- Paul's collection for the saints, which he details in the Second Letter to the Corinthians, specifically chapters eight and nine.
- Paul's teaching on the support of those who minister to the body. Should they be fully suppported by believers, or should they work with their own hands to support themselves, or a combination of the two?
- Peter's warning of false teachers who roamed the land and infiltrate the Ekklesia, looking for those whom they might "make merchandise of."
- How the Emperor Constantine influenced the development of the use of Church buildings and the eventual adoption of dividing the body of Christ into two classes: the clergy and the laity, a division unknown for the first three centuries.
- How the Church functioned for the first six centuries without using the Old Covenant principle of the tithe. However, by AD 585, the tithe was adopted as the primary means of supporting the Church's missions and ministries.
- A study extra: What Paul means when he speaks of Jesus becoming poor, so that we might be rich. This is related to his teaching on Jesus "emptying Himself," as found in the letter to the Philippians. The basis for this teaching is found in Isaiah's prophecy of the Servant of the Lord, Isaiah 52-53.