Larry M. Wishon
Biblical Teacher & Writer
I sincerely welcome your comments or questions.
I was reared in central Oklahoma, when at the age of 20 I met and two years later married Linda, the young lady who has now been my wife of 45 years and counting. After both becoming believers in the Lord Jesus, we were married in 1977. In 1979, I began my theological/ministerial studies at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College, in Pineville, KY. After graduating in 1983 with a BTh, I pastored Baptist Churches in both Kentucky and Oklahoma.
While in Oklahoma, I also served as an associate pastor in a messianic fellowship from 1985 to 1988. In 1990, I began postgraduate study at Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY. While attending Southern, I also earned a degree in Paralegal Studies from Sullivan College. In 1994, I continued my postgraduate studies at the University of Biblical Studies and Seminary, in Bethany, OK, where I also taught undergraduate classes.
In 2001, my family and I moved to Northwest Arkansas, where I teach in a home fellowship and enjoy the company of friends and family.
One of my greatest desires is that believers will truly abide in the Word. We seem to have become a people who no longer truly knows the Scriptures, but have become greatly influenced by the teachings of men. We are heavily swayed by the teachings of personalities but not the Word. This is why many languish in the ditches of men's doctrines. This must change.
Read the Word for yourself. Challenge every thought and premise, holding it up to the Light of God's Word. Hold to that which is good, reject the rest. I believe that tradition and popular teachings must be challenged. Each one must be held up to the light of Scripture. If it agrees with the Written Word of God, then allow it to stand, but if not, it must be tossed aside, and Truth put back in its rightful place, regardless of cost. Value Truth above all. It alone can withstand the fires of testing and judgement.
15 Endeavor to present yourself tried and approved unto God, a labourer who has no cause to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth.
16 But avoid unholy and useless matters: for they will only promote wickedness. [2 Tim. 2:15-16]