A Change In The Administration of the Ekklesia
When the Church Changed Its Model of Leadership
God Deals in Stone, Not Bricks
Bricks are the trademark of this new regime. All pharaohs love bricks that are made according to his own specifications. The children of Israel built Pharaoh's kingdom, by making bricks. Pharaohs build their empire using bricks, but God builds His Kingdom, using living stones.
There is a vast difference between bricks and stones. Bricks are man-made, while stones are formed and developed through the process of time and pressure. Bricks are uniform in their shape and consistency; they all look alike. Stones are individual; they can have a similar shape, but are all individually cut from the heart of the earth. Bricks were used to build the tower of Babel, which the LORD came down and caused to cease. Bricks are massed produced by slaves, but stones require an artisan's touch. Bricks are the material with which men seek to build their kingdoms, but NEVER does God use bricks to build anything. He always uses stones, cut from the earth and worked by an artisan. These living stones of God are indeed the work of an artisan, who is God Himself by His Spirit. Paul says in Eph. 2:10, "...we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, unto good works..." The term workmanship means a creative work of art.
Bricks also come with labels. They are stamped with the name of the Pharaoh who has produced them. Archeologists have found ancient bricks in the Egyptian desert with the name of the particular pharaoh stamped upon it. Isn't it interesting that when you meet someone, one of the first things they want to do, is slap a label on you. This is necessary in their eyes, so they will know if you are friend or foe. If you bear the same label as they do, they can then receive you as a brother. However, if you bear a different mark, they have been trained to treat you with suspicion. Men want to classify you as this or that. You are either in this camp or that one. This labeling party-spirit is not from the Spirit of God, but is the methodology of Satan, the ultimate Pharaoh, in order to keep the Body of Messiah divided along superficial lines. Stones bear no mark of a Pharaoh's name. Stones are the work of God made to fit his Temple, not Pharaoh's treasure cities.
As the Israelites were forced to make bricks under Pharaoh's authority, so those in the Church have been forced to make bricks also. These bricks of the new dynasty, however, are not bricks of clay, but human bricks. Over the course of time, the taskmasters of this new administration have forced believers into the brick mold. They desire all who are under their authority, to be shaped according to their demands. They desire to shape these human bricks according to their own theological and political mold. They want men to submit to their own persuasions, so as to be able to control them. After all, isn't that what it is all about? Control?
Paul warns of this coming into the Flock of God. In Acts 20, Paul is giving his farewell address to the Ephesian elders at Miletus. In this address, he first exhorts them concerning the responsibility that God has entrusted them with.
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the Church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood.
He then gives a warning to these elders,
For I know this, that after my departing shall grevious wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
First, notice that these elders were to feed the flock of God, meaning to shepherd. The true shepherd leads the sheep; the taskmaster will drive the sheep in harsh rulership. The story is told of a man who went to Israel on a tour, and while on the tour out in the countryside, he saw a man at the rear of a flock of sheep, driving them on. This puzzled him for he had always thought that the shepherd was to lead the sheep, not drive them. He then asked the tour guide why the man was at the rear of the sheep, instead of leading them at the front. The tour guide, rather matter-of-factly said, "He is taking them to the slaughter house."
Paul warns these elders that after his departure, grievous wolves will enter in not sparing the flock. These will be the wolves in sheep’s clothing, that Jesus spoke of. They will look like sheep, but their inward nature will be ravenous, with a hunger to devour for their own satisfaction. Not only will wolves enter in, but also out of the company of the elders themselves will arise promoters of pretzel-logic. This is evidenced by Paul's next statement, when he says, "Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things,” meaning that out of the group of elders themselves, shall men rise up [lit. 'spring up'] to lead the flock away, speaking twisted words. The purpose of this rising up and speaking twisted things is to "draw away disciples after them". The goal here is to make themselves the center of the flock's attention. Notice that they 'draw away' disciples. Draw away from what?
Is it not obvious that they draw disciples away from the shepherding influence of Jesus Himself, and place themselves in the position of ruler and standard of truth? This is nothing but a description of factionalism. This is part of the description given to the shepherds in Ezekiel, the fracturing of the flock. This is nothing but the party-spirit at work, which says, "I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, I am of Cephas, and I am of Christ." It is the rallying around the personalities of men and movements, instead of remaining under the watch care of the Great Shepherd, Jesus the Messiah.
This party-spirit, factional attitude is not of God, but is nothing but the evidence of the work of the flesh (Gal. 5:20). God is not into making bricks. Of the seven things that God hates, two apply in this instance. God hates a false witness that speaks lies, or a witness who speaks false things that are twisted and perverted, which would be a lie. God also hates the one that soweth discord among the brethren, or he that factionalizes the brethren.